Juliana Sanchez Weight Loss

Juliana sanchez weight loss chart

He said he began to study different words in the Bible, starting in the Book of Genesis and working his way through. "I said, 'I'm going to look up the word "body"' and I found it's in there 179 times, " Reynolds said. "I want to say, OK, you know, I believe God made me so he probably gave me some good guidance here on how to honor him. " The pastor said one of the Bible verses that struck him in his pursuit of healthier living came from the First Corinthians, Chapter 10, Verse 31. "It says whether we eat or drink, do all to the glory of God, " Reynolds said. "Just think about it. I mean how it boils down, glorifying God with what you eat and with what you drink. " Reynolds said he has now lost over 100 pounds. The fact that he can stand before his congregation and tell them he knows what they are going through, means a lot to his church members. One of whom is Marie Krohe, who said she tried Weight Watchers and Overeaters Anonymous, but the "Bod4God" program is the only thing that's worked for her.

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Add powdered milk to milk, cereals, scrambled eggs, soups, and casseroles. Add cheese to sauces, soups, or vegetables. Add eggs to tuna, salads, sauces, or casseroles. Add nutrition supplements and breakfast drink mixes to milk or shakes. Add nuts to foods or eat them as snacks. Add meat (beef, chicken, and pork) to soups, casseroles, pasta dishes, or vegetables. Add beans, peas, and other legumes to salads. Eat cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit. How can I add calories to foods? You can add any of the following to foods to increase calories. 1 tablespoon of butter or margarine (adds 100 calories) 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise (adds 100 calories) 1 tablespoon of heavy cream or whipping cream (adds 55 calories) 1 tablespoon of cream cheese (adds 50 calories) 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, maple syrup, or honey (adds 45 calories) 1 tablespoon of sour cream (adds 30 calories) 1 tablespoon of half-and-half cream or evaporated milk (adds 20 calories) Care Agreement You have the right to help plan your care.

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