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Steal A Baby's Food. You heard right. Jennifer Aniston allegedly used to follow the crackpot 'Baby Food Diet', which means that you get to choose from various jars of carefully balanced minced slop. I know, tempting, right? I assume that at her recent wedding to Justin Theroux, Jen didn't insist on blending the wedding cake. Look, take the oatmeal, and I'll keep the sweet potatoes. Deal? … Good… Fake the Cake. Ditch the excess sugar, which means cutting down on candy, cakes and cookies, or at least finding a low sugar option. Gwyneth Paltrow (no surprises here) is rumoured to make an awesome banana loaf with no added sugar apart from the naturally occurring ones in ripe bananas. Work It Out! Step up your exercise program, or start one! There are so many options available, you're bound to find something that suits you. Reece Witherspoon keeps in shape by running, rollerblading and taking hip-hop classes, which probably leaves little time for snacking, frankly. …and the Excellent! Awesome Alkaline Water!

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I deserved a life, a family, love, everything I had always hoped and dreamed of growing up. I wanted to get married, settle down and grow old with someone. " Read Mark's story here. Jamie lost 210 pounds Jamie Morgan Motivational message: "I sought counseling, something I had put off for so long... I knew, though, that if I had to wake up another morning with a feeling of dread, completely overwhelmed by what I had done to my body, mind and spirit, I wouldn't live to see my 40th birthday... I had let myself get up to almost 400 pounds, a size 30+, and all the love and support from my husband and family didn't matter. I needed to love and support myself. It started with believing I was worthy of that love. " Read Jamie's story here. Pedro lost 232 pounds Pedro Gomez Motivational message: "The reality is that there is no finish line in weight loss, because in maintenance, the journey continues. But I am so looking forward to finding out what the future holds for me. I am in better health and have more energy than I ever had in my entire life.

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What Is Binge Eating Disorder? Binge eating disorder isn't the same as occasional overeating. Plenty of people eat too much once in a while. Who hasn't had a stomachache after a huge Thanksgiving dinner? People with this eating disorder, though, feel compelled to do so on a regular basis -- at least once a week over a period of 3 months or longer. Feeling Distressed People who have binge eating disorder feel they can't control how much or even what they're eating. They often eat alone, until they feel sick, or when they're not hungry. Guilt, shame, disgust, or sadness come after the binge. People may feel so embarrassed about their behavior that they go out of their way to hide it from friends and family. It's Different From Bulimia Bulimia and binge eating disorder aren't the same, although they share some symptoms. People with bulimia also regularly overeat, and they may feel the same negative emotions, such as a loss of control, shame, or guilt. The key difference is that people with bulimia "purge" afterward.

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Obesity is not about fat, it's about acid. It's a totally different focus. It's about the environment around the cells and the body's ability to maintain an alkaline state, which is the preferred state. What's important to keep in mind about exercise? Exercise has to be done within reason so that you don't create more acidity. "No pain, no gain" is harmful to the body. The body, and in particular the cells, do not know what type of exercise machine you're using. If you can, do exercises that help move the lymphatics, such as swimming, walking, jogging and low-impact machines, such as the cross-training elliptical machines. One exercise machine I really like is the rebounder, a mini-trampoline, because it helps move the lymphatics and create circulation, and at the same time moves acids up to and out of the skin's surface. Weight-lifting, done in moderation, is also fine. Robert O. Young, Ph. D, is a medical microbiologist at the forefront of research on the effects of the acid/alkaline balance in the human body.

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