Michael Pollan Diet Advice For Osteoarthritis

Unfortunately eating "not too much" is a lot harder than it sounds. We're biochemically primed to eat, and to enjoy it. While this biochemistry undoubtedly led us to a more balanced diet when we were hunters and gatherers, it doesn't necessarily lead us to great eating in today's world. When we eat too many simple carbohydrates, we get a blood sugar spike, and then an insulin spike and a blood sugar crash, and the result is that we're hungry again, even though we just ate. Many processed foods kick-start this reaction, making moderation and portion control goals seem insurmountable. So what's an aspiring Pollan fan to do? Two things. First, eat some protein with every meal and snack, especially if you're also eating starchy or sugary foods like bread, pasta, or fruit. This won't necessarily stop you from overeating ever again, but it will help slow the blood sugar roller coaster, dulling that frantic "gotta eat more" feeling. With breakfast, add an egg, some tofu, yogurt, or some protein powder (in a smoothie or your oatmeal).

Michael pollan diet advice for osteoarthritis women

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Add nuts, cheese, or a little bit of meat to your snacks. The same goes for lunch and dinner. Beans, lentils, peas, lean meats, low-fat dairy products…you don't have to overdo it (but make sure it's always there). Second, switch most or all of your grain foods to whole grains. Whole grain breads, pastas, cereals, and snack foods contain more fiber and nutrients, so you'll be satisfied with less. Protein + wholegrain = eating "not too much, " without feeling deprived. We can do that, right? Mostly plants. Don't worry. Michael Pollan doesn't want you to live on lettuce alone. He knows how much you love him, and he wants you to be happy. All he's saying with his "mostly plants" advice is that we can benefit from eating more plant foods, aka vegetables and fruits and whole grains—you know, food (see item #1). While some people take this all the way and eat only plants, (and that's great too), Michael Pollan's just saying that a plant- based diet is the best diet. Plant foods are the richest, most bountiful sources of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber.

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