Diet Soda Health Risks 2012 Gmc

Diet Soda Consumption Increases Risk of Heart Attack If you are currently trying to lose weight safely and effectively, you probably already know that eliminating regular soda from your dietary regime, if you regularly consume soda, is one of the best ways to reduce your daily total intake of calories. This being said, many dieters accomplish this by transitioning from drinking regular soda to drinking diet soda, which has zero calories and is sweetened artificially. However, a newly published clinical study is indicating that switching to diet soda may not be a health-positive choice after all, whether you are actively trying to lose weight or not. According to the results of the diet soda and heart attack study, drinking diet soda on a daily basis can significantly increase your overall risk of suffering from A heart attack and/or stroke. Diet Soda Consumption – The Nature of the Study The study was led in part by epidemiologist Hannah Gardener of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

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Diet Soda Consumption Increases Risk of Heart Attack

If you're trying to lose weight by cutting regular soda from your diet, try beverages such as green tea instead of diet soda. The full text of the study can be found in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

The researchers tend to agree, but only in the way that the sweeteners could be the culprit in triggering an increased appetite. Yet another study at the University of Texas linked increased consumption of aspartame with an elevation in glucose levels. Dr. Gabriel Fernandes, a professor of rheumatology and clinical immunology at the University said, "These results suggest that heavy aspartame exposure might potentially directly contribute to increased blood glucose levels, and thus contribute to the associations observed between diet soda consumption and the risk of diabetes in humans. " Even with all this research and information, sales of diet sodas continually increase with over 9. 4 billion cases of diet soda sold in the U. S. alone.

8 years they did not account for how a person's diet might have changed, how their weight changed, or how their consumption of diet soda might have changed. All of these absences are highly problematic. As it is reasonable to assume that people are more likely to consume diet drinks due to concerns about weight and health, the question is whether this correlated with lifestyles that by themselves were risk factors. For instance, if the daily diet soda drinkers saw their weight yo-yo (perhaps because they were drinking diet soda to lose weight), then the correlation with vascular events might lie with these changes in weight. The second issue with having just baseline measurements for this group is whether, as diet drink consumers, they are more likely to make significant changes to their diet and behavior over the course of a decade. These sorts of factors become very important in teasing causality from correlation in small numbers over time. At the same time, there may also be cultural factors that contribute to drinking diet soda which are also related to vascular health but which are not caught by controlling for "demographics. "

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