The Unpacked Diet

Moreover the fibre content helps to relieve constipation and diarrhoea. (Read: 10 Home remedies for constipation) Tip: To relieve a stomach upset have cinnamon tea infused with mint leaves about two to three times a day. 6. Helps with weight loss: Cinnamon has great digestive properties, it helps with weight loss by regulating the breakdown of carbohydrates and the production and use of insulin by the body. It also helps improve the digestion and assimilation of food within the body, helping one lose weight. (Read: Herbs for weight loss) Tip: Drink cinnamon tea with a teaspoon of honey every day, half an hour before breakfast. Alternatively you could add cinnamon powder to your meal by sprinkling it on your salad, coffee or other foods. 7. Helps beat acne: Cinnamon is a common spice and flavouring agent but the essential oil it contains also has strong anti-microbial properties. The water activity of honey is very low and this means that it does not contain a lot of moisture which can promote the growth of microorganisms.

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3g Optimum Whey Protein Shake 130 24g Raw Almonds 1/2 cup 160 6g Totals - 1958cal 196. 8g A few notes My breakfast and lunch are the same every single day, dinner is variable each night I eat the Chobani and banana right before going to the gym, and I down the protein shake right after I'm drinking approximately 128 oz of water a day, ~ 4 nalgenes Questions Is this an appropriate diet? Where and how can I improve it? I know a general protein rule is 1g/1lbs. Am I really eating that much protein or is myfitnesspal off? I feel like I can add in more shakes, or food; should I? Would I be better off reconfiguring my diet into 4-6 meals spaced every few hours? Recommendations on how to do so? Will I make gains with this diet? In regards to my lifting routine, I've been following German Volume Training pretty closely, but am currently unable to hit the bodyweight exercises, ie. chin-ups and dips due to lack of strength - I just do 10 burn out sets which right now equate to 1-4 reps. I also add in 20 minutes of bike before my workout everyday as a warm up.