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"diet has no impact on this disease" "you have a progressive disease which will only get worse over time" "come back when your meds stop working and I'll give you something stronger". level 2 Glad it work for you. I'm six days into a low starch diet with a probiotic and I'm feeling better than I have in the last 7 months. My SI pain is maybe a 2 right now. It's been a 4-5 on good days in the past 7 months. /r/ankylosingspondylitis is a place for patients of ankylosing spondylitis (also called axial spondyloarthritis), an autoimmune disease that causes inflammatory arthritis and mostly affects the lower back and hips. Reddit Inc © 2021. All rights reserved

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YOU couldn't walk down the street this summer without spotting THAT polka dot dress from Zara. The £39. 99 monochrome frock was so popular it even had its own Instagram account, with 25, 500 followers. 12 Five different-shaped women test out Zara's standout dress in the new black and red leopard-print version 12 The original dotty dress that took summer by storm Zara has now released a black and red leopard-print version that costs £10 more. Will it be the standout piece for another season? And does it really suit everyone? Gabriele Dirvanauskas and Hayley Forester ask five different-shaped women to try it out. 'Makes me look bigger than I am' TONI PARKER works as a risk analyst and lives in South East London. She is 5ft tall and currently single. Toni, 30, says: "This dress isn't something I would normally wear. I'm not a fan of smock styles, as they tend to swamp my 5ft frame. 12 Toni felt the dress swamped her 5ft frame Jacket, £33. 99 from H&M - buy now Trainers, £24. 99 from H&M - buy now Necklace, £8 from Accessorize - buy now "I have a large chest and this hangs strangely over it, creating a bit of a shelf effect.

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She always advises drinking a lot of water for clear and radiant skin. Katrina is always careful in relation to her diet. She only eats fresh boiled vegetables and takes food rich in fibre.

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If you're looking to shake up your workout routine, there are three techniques you should consider adding to your repertoire: drop sets, supersets and giant sets. These advanced techniques are used to boost the intensity of a workout, improve muscular endurance and shock your body to prevent a plateau. This kind of training also can enhance fat loss, and because they incorporate very little rest, you also get some cardiovascular benefits. In addition, these techniques all force more blood into your muscles, which helps deliver nutrients and amino acids to the tissues and accelerates the repair process. These techniques can be intense, so use them sparingly — overuse can lead to overtraining. We'll dive into each one and share their individual benefits, examples and training tips to keep in mind. What Is a Drop Set? A drop set is basically an extended set of a move, usually performed as the last set of that exercise as a burnout. For example, for a seated dumbbell shoulder press, you'd do two sets of 10 to 12 reps using a certain weight.