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For instance, kidney cleansing with herbs can involve a variety of options. Burdock root is an herb that you can use in the form of tea. It is a natural diuretic, so it helps your body eliminate excess water, including waste from the bloodstream. Another kidney cleansing herb is Rehamannia. This is a traditional Chinese medicine that comes in the form of a supplement. In terms of foods that are good for kidney cleansing, nutrient-dense, high antioxidant choices are best. Foods high in electrolytes are good for cleansing, too. Below you will find a list of food items that are good kidney cleanse options. Cranberries Black cherries Blueberries Watermelon Beets Spinach Seaweed Lemon juice Asparagus Ginger Barley Millet Pumpkin seeds Spirulina Spirulina is green algae that often come in the form of powder. It was discovered by the Aztecs thousand of years ago and has become a "superfood". It is full of antioxidants, is high in B vitamins, and contains chlorophyll, which is used to help remove toxins, including heavy metals, from the blood.

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And right now, I'm a huge fan of the Snickers ice cream bars, because it's only five points. And then I can have chocolate, ice cream and nuts, but it's almost not cheating until I go over. " On the annoying problem of being underweight: "What gets hard is when I get underweight, or under my goal weight, and then I have to eat, eat, eat. But you don't want to lose control because you stopped checking points to maintain your weight. " On how her footwear has changed: "Heels. I was just having a conversation about it. Normally, I would take my shoes off on the red carpet because my feet hurt so bad. And it was the weight. But now that's all I'm wearing. It used to be flats, now it's all heels. So, that's a drastic change. " On how she's so over American Idol (where she got her start): "I haven't been able to watch. I hear things, but I haven't been able to watch this season. " On how the Mariah Carey/ Nicki Minaj feud is all for TV: "I always thought that was for TV. I'm like, I don't know if it's real.

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